Global Logistics

Air Shipping
Ocean Shipping
Pick up / Delivery
Customs Clearance Brokerage
Quality Assurance
Import/Export Documents

E-Commerce Solutions

Express Shipment (CN)
Express Customs Clearance (CN)
Fulfillment Center (KR)
Pick and Packing
Pick up
Last Mile Delivery (CN)
Warehouse Management
Tracking Service (CN)

Why We Do This

" In the same way, let your light shine before others, so that they may see your good works and give glory to your Father who is in heaven." Matthew 5:16

Our Clients

We believe that our clients deserves the opportunity to succeed. Logistics shouldn't be a barrier, but an asset. We understand our clients success is our success.

Cross Border Express Shipping

LBK offers express shipment services from Korea into China. If you are looking to expand into China, LBK has the expertise and the tools to make your express cargo shipments flow smoothly.

Reverse Logistics and Returns

If you have dealt with shipments to China from abroad, you will understand the hassles of returns and reverse logistics. LBK has made it simpler and easier for returns and exchanges.

Express Customs Clearance (CN and KR)

LBK offers a "24 hour" Customs Clearance service for our clients shipping to Korea or China

Warehouse and Storage

LBK offers storage for high movement inventory and for high value inventory for our clients. Clients can store products within LBK's facilities.


LBK implements technology to make shipping more efficient. From direct email alerts to alerts via messaging, LBK makes it easier to keep up to date with your shipments.

Lets talk if you are interested

Find out how LBK can be your logistics and your ecommerce solutions provider

Latest News

Latest updates and insights from LBK

ByLink Bridge Cargo Dec 26, 2017

2017 – Year in Review – LBK Cargo Korea

It's that time of year again, where we (LBK) will reflect on 2017 and where we want to be in 2018. The Bad: We lost a few clients - due to th

ByLink Bridge Cargo Apr 26, 2017

China, Korea and THAAD – From a Business Perspective

With the implementation of  THAAD (missile defense system) in Korea, the number of Chinese visitors plummeted in April. Some reports have indica

ByLink Bridge Cargo Feb 5, 2017

Happy (Lunar) New Year! Year of the Rooster

So, another few months have come and gone since the last update... Believe it or not, our internet presence is a high priority for us, but (he

ByLink Bridge Cargo Nov 28, 2016

We Are Truly Thankful

First of all, I would like to apologize for the lack of posts/updates. I hope all of those who celebrate Thanksgiving had a wonderful time wit